Postoperative Knee Surgery Exercises

Postoperative knee surgery exercises

Knee surgery exercises after a knee operation

A key to full recovery after knee replacement surgery is adherence to a postoperative exercise program. Your doctor and/or physical therapist will work with you to develop a regular exercise regimen designed to strengthen your muscles, restore flexibility, and help your knee straighten and bend properly. Ideally, you should exercise two to three times daily, every day, following knee replacement surgery. It is important to follow the specific instructions provided by your doctor or therapist on how much exercise you should do and how often. Do not start any exercise program without first consulting them.

Part of your postoperative knee exercise program should include daily walks, which can build strength as well as restore and maintain aerobic capacity. Hydrotherapy—performing exercises in a pool—can be very beneficial, because it allows you to build muscle tone and strength, improve balance and range of motion, and enhance coordination using low-impact movements. Other low-impact exercises include cycling and using equipment such as stair climbers, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines.

Straight Leg Exercise for Quads Video

Following most knee surgeries the quadriceps (thigh) muscle loses muscle mass in a matter of days. The stronger you are prior to surgery, the stronger you will be after surgery. This simple straight leg exercise can be done pre and post-operatively. Source: O’Fit website

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See also

Knee Videos
Knee Pain Exercises
Knee Surgery Rehabilitation
Glucosamine and Knee Joint Pain

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